Tallin es la capital de
la República de Estonia con unos 450.000 habitantes, lo que la
convierte en la ciudad más poblada de Estonia y su principal puerto. Está
situada en la costa norte del país, a orillas del golfo de Finlandia, a
80 km al sur de Helsinki.

Desde el 1 de enero de 2013, el transporte público es
totalmente gratuito para los residentes, convirtiéndose en la primera capital
europea en adoptar este servicio.
La línea 32 es una línea que une Männiku (suroeste de la
ciudad) y el barrio de Kopli (noroeste de la ciudad). Tiene un horario
reducido, de 5am a las 9am y de las 14 a las 19 con intervalos de paso de unos
20 minutos.
Tallinn is the capital of the Republic of Estonia with about
450,000 inhabitants, which makes it the most populated city in Estonia and its
main port. It is located in the North coast of the country, to on the gulf of
Finland, 80 km south of Helsinki.
Tallinn´s public transport network is managed by the
municipal company Tallinna Linnatranspordi Aktsiaselts AS that implements
tariffs and schedules to the operating bus company, Tallinna Autobussikoondise
AS (Company of Buses of Tallinn with 56 routes) and Tallinna Trammi-
Trollbussikoondise AS (TTTK) of tramways (4 lines) and trolleybuses (7 lines).
Normally, the lines connect the districts with the city center.
From January 1st 2013, the public transport is totally free
for the residents, being the first European capital in adopting this measure.
Route 32 is a service that links Männiku (southwest of the
city) with Kopli (northwest of the city). It has a reduced schedule, of 5am to
9am and the 14 to 19 with intervals of about 20 minute frequencies.
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