Dispone de una red de tranvías, autobuses y funicular, operada por la compañía estatal ZET, que se hace cargo de 19 líneas de tranvía y 130 de autobús diurno y 4 nocturnas, además de un funicular. En días laborables, hay 270 autobuses en las diferentes líneas, los sábados 186 y domingos se reducen a 123. En cuanto a los tranvías, existen 191 tranvías motrices, así como 62 remolques, que dan servicio a 15 líneas nocturnas con un total de 148 km y 4 líneas nocturnas de 57km.
La línea 32 es una de las 4 líneas nocturnas,(31, 32, 33 y 34). Durante el día, está numerada como 17, realizando la misma ruta. El día que estuve yo, era un autobús el que hacía el recorrido, cada 30 minutos... desde las 23.40 hasta las 4.53 todos los días.
La ruta discurre desde el sudoeste de la ciudad, PRESKO, pasando por la estación de autobuses interurbanos, el centro de la ciudad para dirigirse al este BORONGAJ.
Como veis en la foto, "cacé" el 32 servido por el número de flota 32... Curiosidades de la vida. No obstante, creo que debería haber venido un tranvía, al menos, eso dicen los horarios.

Zagreb is Croatia's capital. It is nearly 1 million inhabitants. Distances are not that big, but still the city is expanding, therefore, there is need for transportation.
It has a network of trams, buses and a funicular operated by the state own ZET: 19 tram routes, 130 day bus y 4 night services, as well as the before mentioned funicular. On weekdays, there are 270 buses running on the different routes, 186 on Saturdays and 123 on Sundays. As for trams, the company owns 191 trams, as well as 62 trailers, serving 15 routes (148 km) and 4 night ones (57km).
Route 32 is actually a night services, renumbered 17 during the day but running along the same tracks. There are 4 night services numbered (31, 32, 33 y 34). However, the day I was there, it was served by a bus... every 30 minutes... from 23.40 to 4.53, every day.
Route 32 is actually a night services, renumbered 17 during the day but running along the same tracks. There are 4 night services numbered (31, 32, 33 y 34). However, the day I was there, it was served by a bus... every 30 minutes... from 23.40 to 4.53, every day.
The route runs from the southwest of the city, PRESKO, serving the bus station, the city centre and then heading towards the East, BORONGAJ.
As you can see from the picture, I "caught" the 32 served by a 32 fleet number.