Su red de transporte está operada por Semtao (perteneciente al grupo Transdev) y consta de 32 líneas de autobús de las que 4 son lanzaderas y 6 de servicio a la demanda. Además, tiene 1 de tranvía que hace el recorrido Norte-Sur, desde Fleury-les-Aubrais a Orléans La Source. En 2011, se inaugurará la segunda línea desde Saint-Jean-de-Braye a La Chapelle-St-Mesmin. Son un total de 220 autobuses, (aproximadamente un 60% de piso bajo) y 22 tranvías.
Los 6 servicios a la demanda, entre los que se encuentra el 32, se denominan Filobus y solamente circulan si se reserva mediante una llamada de teléfono. Las zonas por las que circula suelen tener una baja demanda que no justifican una frecuencia regular. En el caso del 32, conecta la estación de SAINT-JEAN-DE-BRAYE (Point Bus Léon Blum) con CHECY La Guignardère. Debido a la baja demanda, el servicio se realiza con pequeños autobuses furgoneta.
Over 115000 inhabitants live in Orleans, a bit more than double do it in the metropolitan area, which makes this city famous fro Joan of Arc an important population centre, specially due to its proximity with Paris, that also makes it a sleeping city, although the city has a life of its own too.
Its transport network is operated by Semtao, from the Transdev group
and has 32 bus routes, 4 of which are shuttles, and 6 routes on demand. Apart from that, they operate 1 tramway line, North-South from Fleury-les-Aubrais to Orléans La Source. In 2011, the second line will open from Saint-Jean-de-Braye to La Chapelle-St-Mesmin. A total of 220 buses, (approximately 60% of which are low floor) and 22 trams.
The 6 routes on demand, among which you can find 32, run under the name Filobus, and only run if reserved previously via telephone. The areas along which they run tend to be rather low demand; therefore, it doesn't justify having a frequent service. As for 32, it connects the bus station in SAINT-JEAN-DE-BRAYE (Point Bus Léon Blum) with CHECY La Guignardère. Due to the low demand, these services are operated with small vans.
and has 32 bus routes, 4 of which are shuttles, and 6 routes on demand. Apart from that, they operate 1 tramway line, North-South from Fleury-les-Aubrais to Orléans La Source. In 2011, the second line will open from Saint-Jean-de-Braye to La Chapelle-St-Mesmin. A total of 220 buses, (approximately 60% of which are low floor) and 22 trams.
The 6 routes on demand, among which you can find 32, run under the name Filobus, and only run if reserved previously via telephone. The areas along which they run tend to be rather low demand; therefore, it doesn't justify having a frequent service. As for 32, it connects the bus station in SAINT-JEAN-DE-BRAYE (Point Bus Léon Blum) with CHECY La Guignardère. Due to the low demand, these services are operated with small vans.
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