La 732 conecta Agios Fanoyrios con Akadimia y Zood. Pigi. La línea conecta estos barrios con la estación de Larisa (Stazmos Larisis). Además, circula por las proximidades de la plaza Síntagma, sede del Gobierno y punto conflictivo por las innumerables huelgas que sufre la ciudad. Los autobuses asignados a la línea suelen ser Vanhool, con unos letreros electrónicos bastante viejos que hacen que el reconocimiento de la línea sea bastante malo, sobretodo, con el sol en contra.
La compañía que gestiona los autobuses es ETHEL aunque los trolebuses los gestiona otra compañía, ILPAP, además de las líneas de metro y tranvía que recorren la ciudad. ETHEL dispone de 310 líneas de autobús. Dispone de 2,099 autobuses, de los cuales 416 funcionan con gas natural.
Again, I am asking the reader for permission to talk about another line. In this case, the situation is worse than others, as Athens DOES have a 32 line, although, it is a school line and it was in the outskirts of the city, difficult to go to and as usual, with little time for me to go to the place It is a pity. Of course, if someone has access to it, it will be my pleasure to change the entry and dedicate it to the 32. Athens, has also a 132 and 232, also outside the centre. So I spotted the 732 passing nearby my hotel, and I couldn't help taking a picture. In this case, it is outside the Spanish Commercial Office.
Route 732 connects Agios Fanoyrios with Akadimia and Zood. Pigi. It also links these districts with Larisa Station (Stazmos Larisis) and runs near Syntagma square, seat to the Government as well as a very complicated spot due to the continuous strikes in the city that close down the area. The bus assigned to the route tend to be Vanhool, with horrendous old electronic displays that make it difficult to spot which line it is... specially when you have the sun in front.
ETHEL is the main bus operator. Trolleybuses are operated by ILPAP, and of course, there are the underground and tram networks to complete the transportation means in the city. ETHEL runs 310 bus routs with 2,099 buses, 416 of which run with natural gas.
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