Su gran extensión y los ríos, supone que debe proveer a sus ciudadanos de una amplia red de transporte público, con autobuses, tranvías y trolebuses, operados por GSP Beograd, empresa municipal, además de otras 6 empresas privadas. Está bien preparada para fomentar el uso del transporte público, pues disponen de una tarjeta (ITS) que permite utilizarlos en todos los vehículos, aunque solo por un viaje. Los billetes se pueden comprar en kioscos o directamente del conductor.
La ciudad dispone de 118 líneas diurnas y 22 nocturnas de autobús. Todas las líneas están operadas por GSP y una compañía privada, mientras que las nocturnas solo son operadas por las privadas. También, GSP opera 12 líneas de tranvía y 8 de trolebuses y 6 de microbuses. Además, la red la complementan más de 300 líneas suburbanas, al cargo de la empresa SP Lasta, aunque también hay otros operadores.
El 32 conecta Vukov Spomenik - Visnjicа, una línea diurna, operada por GSP (librea amarilla) y otra compañía privada (librea azul y blanco) que se alternan cada viaje. Tiene una frecuencia de 9 minutos. El servicio funciona entre las 4.30 y las 23.15. Además, dispone de dos servicios cortos de refuerzo, 32Е ТRG Rеpublike - Visnjicа y 32L Оmladinski Stаdiоn - LЕSCЕ /Cemetery.
Belgrade is the capital of the Republic of Serbia and the biggest and most populated city of the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Including its metropolitan area, over 1.650.000 people live there, being the fourth most populated city within Southeastern Europe, after Istanbul, Athens and Bucharest. It is located in the confluence of the Sava River with the Danube; hence, the city has those two “barriers” when moving around.
Its size and the difficulty of having both rivers requires a wide network of public transport, with buses, street cars and trolleybuses, operated by GSP Beograd, municipal company, in addition to 6 private companies. It is well prepared to encourage the use of the public transport, with the use of a card (ITS) that allows using it in all the vehicles, although just for a single trip. The tickets can be bought directly in kiosks or from the conductor.
The city has 118 day bus lines and 22 night services. All the lines are operated by GSP and a private company, whereas night services are only operated by private ones. GSP also operates 12 tramway routes, 8 of trolleybuses and 6 of minibuses. In addition, the network is complemented by more than 300 suburban lines, run by SP Lasta, although there are also other operators.
32 runs between Vukоv Spоmеnik and Visnjicа, a day service, operated by GSP and another private company, that alternate the trips. It has a frequency of 9 minutes. The service works between the 4.30 and 23.15. In addition, it has two short services, 32Е ТRG Rеpublikе - Visnjicа and 32L Оmladinski Stаdiоn - LЕSCЕ /Cemetery.
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